btnaa-new-logo-900x900-pixel--1-1-21BTNAA Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Boys Town National Alumni Association Board of Directors

Meeting Date:  January 9, 2022  |  Meeting Time:  |  7:00 p.m. CST |  Type of Meeting:  Video Conference  |  Meeting Location:

I. Call to Order:
  Rich Tapio, President
II. Roll Call:  Rich Tapio, President
Rich Tapio, President
Phil Dauterive, Vice President
Darren Gray, Secretary
Richard Boone, Treasurer
Holly Schumacher, Member (Appointed 1/9/22)
Jennifer Hill-Coba, Member
Robert Nkogo, Member (Appointed 1/9/22)
Jeffrey James, Member
Michael Saine, Member
Jason Suibielski, Member
James Brewer, Member
Michael Trevino, Advisor, Ex-Officio
Tony Jones, Alumni Dir., Ex-Officio
George Edwards, Historian, Ex-Officio
Dan Schneiss, Hon. Nat. Pres., Ex-Officio
X=Attended. E=Excused. A=Absent
Guests:     Jennie Schacht, John Mollison                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
Notes (Excused Absence, etc.):

III. Prayer: Rich Tapio  |  IIIa. Pledge of Allegiance: Rich Tapio

IV. Previous Minutes From:  October 10, 2021  |  Motion to Accept:  James Brewer  |  Second:  Jeff James Results: Accepted

V. Treasurers Report for Income & Balance Sheet Ending:  February 28, 2022
Treasurer's Comments: 
Richard Boone noted that the only change from the posted report is that $22, 745 (money raised for the Concession Stand Project)  has been transferred from the General Account to a special account to hold until it is neeeded to disperse to the Home during the building of the Concession Stand.  He thanked Jennie Schacht for her assistance creating the new account and making the transfer.   Rich Tapio complimented Richard Boone on the thoroughness of the end of year financial report.  Michael Saine asked if a budget has been prepared for 2022.  Rich Tapio responded that a budget will be prepared and explained the history of past budgeting efforts.                                                                                                                                                                                           
Motion to Accept:    |  Second: Results:  Accepted
VI. Committee Reports
Awards          By-Laws         Canonization     
No Report
No Report
No Report
Communications Finance Hall of Fame
Report  Darren Gray, Chair of the Committee, indicated that he plans on calling a meeting of the committee to come up with ideas to better reach out to to our membership.
No Report


Membership Reunion                Sick & Welfare
Annual Membership Campaign mailing will go out in January along with early reunion registration forms    
Tony Jones noted that there is an outbreak of the COVID Omicron virus on campus and that up to 10 homes are presently quarentined. Jennifer Coba asked if there is anything the Alumni Association can help with.  Tony would let the board know if there is anything that the board could help with.  Jennie Schacht asked if the campus is closed that would preclude someone from stopping in to sign checks and Tony indicated that the campus is not closed and check signers could come to campus to sign checks if necessary.                                                                

Motion to Accept:  Jason Suibielski  |  Second: Jeff James |  Results:  Accepted

VII. Old Business
1. Appointment of Holly Schumacher, '15 to the vacant 5-15 Year-Group position and Robert Nkogo, '00 to the vacant 16-25 Year-Group position was discussed, biographies presented and a motion was made by Jeff James to appoint them to the board.  Darren Gray seconded the motion.  Motion was passed by a roll call vote.  The appointees will be seated to fill out the remaining terms of their respective year-group.

VIII. New Business
1. Rich Tapio notified all board members to read, and sign that they have read, the Conflict of Interest and Code of Conduct.  This is an annual requirement.  This can be done by going to the Board Portal on the website.
2. Tony Jones gave an update on campus activities:  Tony is working with the Senior Class through the senior planner program, the high school building has been demolished and construction is underway on the new Education Center.  The kitchen area of the Great Hall has been entirely gutted and will be rebuilt with new equipment.  With the kitchen area under construction there will be a temporary kitchen used to support the reunion.  The Home is gearing up for graduation and the upcoming spring.  A discussion followed regarding facilities and changes since the last reunion.
3.  Michael Saine brought up the subject of the Strategic Plan and it was agreed that it should be reviewed and updated.
4.  The question was asked about current membership:  There are presently 32 paid up annual members and 1223 paid up lifetime members.  Of the lifetime members 455 are deceased.  There are 29 Honorary Lifetime members.  Following that a discussion was held on ways to reach out to non-members.
5.  Rich Tapio proposed that the board hold an actual face-to-face meeting on Thursday, July 28th.  This would be an all day meeting for discussion and board training.  This means everyone would need to be in town by Wednesday, the 27th.  The meeting will be held at the Boys Town Headquarters Building in a conference room.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
IX. Next Meeting 
Date: April 3, 2022                   
Time:  7:00 p.m. CDT                               

X. Adjournment:  Motion to Adjourn:    |  Second:   |  Results:  Motion passed.

Minutes Submitted By:  On March 27, 2022