
The Boys Town Alumni Ambassador Program partners directly with Boys Town to tell the compelling story of how and why Boys Town is so successful.  It was created as a way for alumni to give back, in a meaningful way, for the gift we were given by Boys Town--a chance in life!

All you need to do is contact the Alumni Office at Boys Town and tell them you want to be an ambassador.  If you belong to a civic or neighborhood association looking for a program presentation; volunteer to tell your story.  We will send you materials and provide you the information to make a compelling presentation about the history of Boys Town and about the programs of today.  The best story you can tell is yours!!  You are living proof that Boys Town has long-term and positive impacts on individuals and communities.

Become a Boys Town Alumni Ambassador

From Father Boes...


National Executive Director





To the sons and daughters of Father Flanagan,

   The Alumni Ambassador Program marks a milestone in the relationship of Boys Town and our wonderful alumni. Servant of God Father Flanagan’s example of relying on the alumni to be Ambassadors for the good work of the Home has proven, through the years, to be of inestimable value. Servant of God Father Flanagan needed his alumni to let everyone know about his work so he could take care of his boys. His alumni wanted to give back in the most meaningful way possible, and that was to let everyone know they were from Boys Town and to give their support when Servant of God Father Flanagan needed it. He created a partnership with his alumni to help in the mission of Boys Town that has lasted and grown through the years.

   Today is no different. Children may have different needs and challenges and the program of care has evolved, out of necessity, in both scope and sophistication---but Boys Town continues to save children and heal families. It does this with the financial and moral support of the generous citizens of our nation. I can think of no better way to let America know about what we are doing for children than to have thousands of Alumni Ambassadors telling, firsthand, of the tremendous success of their lives and the successes that happen every day at Boys Town.

   Your Boys Town National Alumni Association Board of Directors, by unanimous vote, endorsed the Alumni Ambassador Program as an important way to partner with Boys Town.

   I encourage you to consider becoming an Alumni Ambassador. Together, we will help more kids and make America more aware of the great work that goes on at Boys Town every day of the year.

    Thank you for becoming a Boys Town Alumni Ambassador. God Bless you and your families. 

Father Steven Boes

National Executive Director

Who is an Alumni Ambassador?




  • An alumnus who believes strongly in the dream of Servant of God Father Flanagan and wants to share his message of healing and hope with others


  • An alumnus with a positive story to share about Boys Town


  • An alumnus who wants to let friends and neighbors know how Boys Town helped him or her to be successful in life


  • An alumnus who wants to tell others what Boys Town is doing today to help children and families in America
  • An alumnus who wants to encourage others to support the Boys Town of today just like he or she was supported at Boys Town in the past
  • An alumnus who wants to welcome new alumni into his or her community by:
  • being the friendly face of a Boys Town brother or sister
  • introducing them to their new community
  • sharing positive Boys Town and life experiences

An alumnus who is proud of Boys Town and proud to let others know you are…

An Alumnus of Boys Town


What Can You Do?

  • Make one-on-one presentations to friends, neighbors and co-workers
  • Make presentations to civic, church and community groups
  • When asked by Boys Town, make presentations in your local community
  • Share your story with local media and community organizations
  • Attend Boys Town sponsored events in your community or region
  • Be available to a Boys Town program in or around your community