boxingTony Wish, '69:  Saving Some of Boys Town's History

Saving memories from the dumpster, Tony Wish has given new life to special tiles from the Great Hall.

The Boys Town Alumni Office was recently contacted by Tony Wish, '69 to share news about a project he had been working on in his home workshop in Colorado.  It seems that back in the mid-1980s, Tony's construction company was contracted by Boys Town to remodel and update the old high school dining hall (now the Great Hall).  During the renovation, some of Tony's construction crew had removed the tiles that were affixed to the walls of the dining hall that depicted various sporting activities.  A number of the tiles were tossed into the construction debris dumpster when one of the crew decided to pull them out and gave them to Tony because he knew that he was a Boys Town

Throughout the years, and following a move to Las Vegas where Tony founded a technology firm, he kept the tiles in a safe place so that he could eventually do something with them--he was sure at the time what he would do but he was confident that something would come up where could use them.  Years later, Tony sold his company and relocated to Colorado where he has a home and an extraordinary workshop to work on his artistic hobbies such as metal sculpting and woodworking.