BTNAA 2021 General Assembly
Saturday July 11, 2021, 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. Via Video Conference
The Boys Town National Alumni Association will hold a virtual 2021 General Assembly meeting via video conference hookup. President of the BTNAA, Phil Dauterive, D'70, will give an update on the work of the board for the past two years and ballots will be opened that were received for the 26-35 Year-Group nominees to determine which nominee will serve the four-year term and which will serve the two-year term. Ballots for the single position open in the 46+ Year-Group will be opened to determine which of the three nominees will serve a four-year term.
Since no one was nominated for the 16-25 Year-Group two open positions (one four-year and one two-year term) this year group will have the opportunity to caucus to nominate and elect candidates for both positions. Members of that year-group that are caucusing must all be paid up members of the BTNAA as well as those who are nominated and elected.
With no nominee receiving the requisite five nominations for the 36-45 Year-Group two open positions (one four-year term and one two-year term) that year-group will also have the opportunity to caucus to nominate and elect members for the two vacant positions. The same criteria shown above is in force for caucusing in this year-group.
The Virtual General Assembly Meeting will take place through The link to logon to the meeting is shown below.
When you join the meeting please identify yourself so the secretary can record that you were in attendance at the meeting whether you are linking up via your computer or calling in on your phone.
Please let the Secretary, Jennie Minnig-Schacht, '94, know that you will be attending by clicking on this link: General Assembly Attendance Notification
BTNAA Virtual General Assembly - Sat, Jul 24, 2021 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (CDT)
Please join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone. | United States: +1 (408) 650-3123 | One-touch: tel:+14086503123,,779341765# | Access Code: 779-341-765
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