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Father Jeff Mollner - New National Director of Mission and Spirituality

Boys Town welcomes Father Jeff Mollner, the new National Director of Mission and Spirituality to Boys Town. Father Mollner, who comes to Boys Town from the Omaha Archdiocese, will assume his new position on April 2, 2024.

Tony Jones, '88, Recognized with "Kids First Award"

Tony Jones, '88, Senior Vice President for Successful Futures at Boys Town, was recognized by the "Kids First Award" from Project Harmony for his vision and care for youth in the growth and development of Boys Town's Successful Futures program.

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fr.-flanagan-otero-print-for-websiteThoughts from Servant of God

Father Edward J. Flanagan...

“Christian charity does not consist in the shedding of tears, or in mere preaching, but rather in the doing of that which we preach, and in the actual alleviation of the conditions that bring about those tears.”


From the Past...